Bangkok Hotel -Samed Baanpe (Ferry Pier) - Car (Vios/Yaris) (Max.3 Passengers)

Bangkok Hotel -Samed Baanpe (Ferry Pier) - Car (Vios/Yaris) (Max.3 Passengers)

Tour program highlights

Start 2,300.00 THB

Tour detail

Samed Baanpe Transfer Service One Way Selling rate NAKA Condition Remark
Booking Postpone Cancel Refund
Bangkok Hotel -Samed Baanpe (Ferry Pier) - Car (Vios/Yaris) (Max.3 Passengers) 2300 1 day before 1 day before 1 day before Non-refundable Out of down town location will be additional charge will inform by reservation case by case please specify address .


Not included

·       Fuel fees

·       Tips and gratuities

·       Toll fees


·       Parking fees


·       Insurance provided by the operator


·       Luggage allowance


·       One-way transfer


·       Insurance provided by the operator




  • You'll get confirmation within minutes. If you don't see any confirmation, reach out to our customer support.
  • For more information, please feel free to contact us on WhatsApp (+66)634399559


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